Yesterday I made comments during a virtual City Council meeting about providing greater access to transportation for people with disabilities in the greater Houston area. I am so glad that Council member Tarsha Jackson wants to help me with my request. Someone from her office wants to come see me and discuss this issue further. Then I called Representatives Ana Hernandez and Jeff Leach and asked them to please bring the Michael Hickson Act out of the Calendars Committee to the floor for a vote as yesterday was the last day to move the bill out of committee.
My day ended by being honored from Lone Star College for the Outstanding Chapter Member of Alpha Rho Mu Phi Theta Kappa. According to Lone Star College these awards are given to the students who go above and beyond. My counselor gave me a shout out in the comment section of how proud she is of me. She will never forget me since it was mom who got the disability buttons in her office and around the college. This was an exciting day.